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Ultrasonic echolocation

Bats see with their ears

Our native bats are able to hunt and orientate themselves using ultrasonic echolocation. They produce ultrasonic sounds with their larynx and send them out of their mouth to locate their surroundings. This transmitted sound wave bounces off an object and throws back an echo, which gives the bat information about the distance and size of the object. This allows them to catch prey flying at night. These ultrasonic calls are beyond the range of human hearing.

The frequencies and patterns of the echolocation calls vary from species to species; thus, the recordings are very useful for identifying many species. To do this a bat detector is used, which records the ultrasonic signals and makes them audible as well as visible to us.

Is bat language really inaudible to us humans?Although ultrasonic frequencies cannot be heard by humans, we can still eavesdrop on these animals' conversations. The social sounds they make when they talk to each other are in a frequency range that our ears can also perceive.

Fledermäuse immer mit Handschuhen angreifen! Unsere PflegerInnen sind Tollwut geimpft und unsere Jungtiere kennen uns:)
Graues Langohr Jungtier

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